Scenes from my life
- hiking in Ireland
- a Florida gopher tortoise
- a fox I spied hiking in Canada
- a northwoods deer near our Michigan property
- heading out for a day of snowshoeing
- a cold impromptu Thanksgiving hike with my daughter in Virginia
- hiking with my husband, his dad, and stepmom … a family affair!
- I love pelicans! And this one loved to pose!
- on the boat back after a great day of shelling
- out with one of my favorite snowshoeing buddies (who also owns a bookstore!)
- painted turtle at Woodlake Nature Center, right by my house
- pancake ice!
- rocky beaches mean you have to stop and build a cairn
- Sedona, Arizona: wonderful hiking and gorgeous views
- the swallowtail butterfly at Wood Lake Nature Center
- with my wonderful husband on a northern Minnesota hike
- yukking it up on Egmont Key
an illustration from When Fall Comes